Our team brings together specialists from biology, psychology, medical engineering, bioinformatics, philosophy, game design, cultural studies, design, sound, and media art.
We create art & science projects in the format of Living Labs, conducting research and experiments through direct interaction with participants.
We are a community because each project forms its own unique team. The diversity of knowledge, skills, and experience is a key factor in the success of any new initiative. We create a space for dialogue, building a "translation system" between different approaches to understanding complex phenomena.
At the core of our research are complex meta-objects that remain "hidden" when viewed through the limited lens of any single scientific discipline or practice.
We aim to go beyond traditional research methods, perception, and language, developing our own multidisciplinary research methodology. The most interesting discoveries often occur at the boundaries of established approaches.
TripTech has existed since 2023, developing several research projects in media and bio art.