The If//Else* project raises questions about free will and technological determinism. Are we truly capable of changing our "genetic program," or has every decision already been predetermined? Using the metaphor of computer code, we invited participants to reflect: where does the algorithmic chain end, and where does freedom of choice begin? In programming, we clearly see "if—then, else—otherwise," but life rarely offers such clear-cut conditions—everything merges into a tangled web of possibilities.
The artistic value of the project lies in the synthesis of mythology, interactive design, and modern technology. Each participant is not just an observer but a co-author, weaving their own story into the collective fabric and actively transforming the soundscape in real time. Self-organization emerges through the accumulation of hundreds and thousands of "fate codes," layering upon each other and creating an ever-evolving musical and visual environment. The Moirai serve as a kind of "performer," guiding guests through the ritual—from receiving threads and beads to the "sacrificial offering" of the bracelet to the technological altar-scanner.